Every “democratic” country has a constitution. Every country allowes its citizens to vote after a certain age. Citizens that wish to vote should do so provided that they KNOW the constitution of the country they are to vote in. At the moment, a doubt citizens over 18 years old have the faintest idea about the Hellenic constitution. This means that by voting, they accept a contract between government and people that they have never read, do not know what their rights are and certainly, they do not know what their obligations are. This flaw in the system has allowed candidates for head of Government to play with peoples rights and create laws that are against the constitution. This fact has increased the intelectual gap between government and the citizens while cultivating the missconception that citizens are inpotent to argue in favour of their rights. Government is an additional organization to society. Society could function without government. However unorthodox this suggestion may be, it helps understand that we are in control of government and not the other way around. My proposal is that in order to vote, citizens should be examined on their knowledge of the constitution and they should pass that exam in order to be allowed inside the voting booth. My vote is as strong as my neighbour’s and as strong as the prime minister’s. I need to know that my neighbour’s vote is a result of informed decision making and not the result of media propaganda.
Panos Dramitinos - 03/11/2008 - 0 comments