Watching the news on Greek media networks, I can’t help thinking that most subjects covered have to do with political conflict between parties, the financial crisis and the exposure of scandals. Thinking back, I find it very difficult to remember the last time I was informed about the real issues and problems that people have been facing. One could argue that most problems have to do with lack of funding, political incopetence and the whole concept of justice that should apply throughout society regardless of political power and position in society. The media being so powerfull in this country and by the looks of things, in most western countries, have been managing the agenda of issues and flow of information that reaches out media reception devices. Gallops are frequent as a process of measuring, not so much opinions about policies and politicians but rather, to investigate the level of peoples persuasion as a reaction to media propaganda. A story that touches our sentiments has the ability to change the way we think about reality. Taken that we know what reality is. It seems very difficult to keep in touch with reality as we are constuntly in contact with individuals who are very skillful in persuading the rest of us about their perception of reality. Naturally, we are exposed to such individuals through the media.
incompetent media
Panos Dramitinos - 01/11/2008 - 0 comments