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about relationships

Panos Dramitinos - 29/11/2008 - 2 comments

life customization. Freedom of choice. Liberty. Free will. The quest in people’s lives. Western society. Urban culture. Careers.
Peolple used to feel that they needed each other to be happy. It remains to be proved by history, whether this has been a true need or the product of fear about death in solitude or our inner need to procreate. It seems people prefer to be alone because of the burden of sacrifice that would be needed to share one’s life with someone else. A reform of the rules of the game is in progress. Perhaps this process will end up being the realization that it has never been about rules but the eagerness to share. We seem to rebel against this possibility. We must decide wether all this is up to us to choose.

Panos Dramitinos
Written by Panos Dramitinos
Born in Athens 1st March 1977. Have lived for 35 years and its been ok....

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  2. “Happiness only true when shared”, Christopher Johnson McCandless and I agree my friend. Happy new yeaer, kisses!

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